We at Israela are here to stand with you throughout your Aliyah journey. We work closely with you in the months leading up to your Aliyah, and for 18 months after you land here in Israel. With our 30 years of experience, you can trust us to ensure a smooth transition to life as an Israeli, and a welcoming absorption into your Israeli community of choice. 1,870 families have immigrated to Israel with us, with 98% of those remaining here in Israel. We look forward to growing these numbers together with you!

Thinking of making Aliyah? Contact us


To make Olim and their absorption a central source of strength for our nation, thereby helping to ensure the safety, continuity and prosperity of our nation in its ancestral homeland.

About us

Israela is a new branch of ‘Aliyah de groupe’, a French organization founded 30 years ago by Shalom Vach and Rabbi Yehoshua Zuckerman, zt”l. In recent years, Israela has started to help families immigrate to Israel from South America and English-speaking countries. We utilize our existing expertise and experience in order to help more Jews fulfill their dream of making Aliyah. Israela works in close cooperation with the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption and the Jewish Agency, as well as with the JNF, Nefesh B’Nefesh, World Mizrachi and more. Israela’s staff is comprised of multi-lingual professionals, all of whom are eager to help and are here to make your Aliyah journey as pleasant as possible.

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Our Aliyah Model

For years, we have been successfully implementing a unique model for the immigration and absorption process. It is built on three components: 1.Aliyah as a group - The families who immigrate are organized and consolidated by Israela into a strong group, ready to support each other through a common challenge. 2.Absorption in a community - We locate communities in Israel that wish to receive olim and prepare you for integration in all aspects: finding housing and schools, pairing you with adoptive families and helping your children make friends. 3. 900 days by your side - We provide a professional and personal shell, starting a year before your Aliyah until 18 months after. We don’t just organize the logistics of your actual Aliyah, we also help you learn Hebrew, find employment and integrate into your new communities. What does the Aliyah process with Israela include? In the year prior to immigration: -We hold an online introductory interview with families interested in making Aliyah. A personal meeting with you in your countries of origin . -A seminar abroad: we arrange a Shabbaton to build your group, to get to know the Israela team and the Israeli representatives of your receiving communities. -Aliyah Pilot Trip: A study tour in Israel: you come to Israel for an exciting tour where you’ll get to know your new communities and meet your adoptive families (we even partially subsidize the expenses). -Prepare for Aliyah through professional Zoom lectures with top lecturers in the fields of education, health and finance. -We arrange meetings together with your group, enabling you to build a friendship and partnership with the families accompanying you on this journey. -We help you register your children to the schools of your choice. -We assist in finding you an apartment that suits your needs, and even help to furnish it according to your budget. When you make Aliyah: we meet you at the airport to welcome you with singing, a hug (and sometimes with some tears!). When you get home: you’ll be greeted by a cheerful Welcome sign on your door and a tidy, clean apartment. After the kids go to bed, you can sit down together with a hot coffee and thank each other for the decision to make Aliyah. During the year and a half after your Aliyah: -Your children are our priority. We provide a special teacher to accompany your children at school and help them thrive in their new environments, be that with learning Hebrew, making friends or getting along with their new teachers. -Each group is assigned a Project Manager who will live in your neighborhood and help you with any problems that may arise. The Project Manager will also walk you through all of the preliminary bureaucratic hurdles: receiving your identity card, opening a bank account and registering for health insurance. Later on, we will organize tours, trips and educational and cultural activities that will help you better get to know your new, beautiful country and its people.

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Our Communities

So far, many groups have made Aliyah with us and have been successfully absorbed in the following places: Nahariya, Haifa, Givat Shmuel, Jerusalem, Netanya, Hadera, Or Akiva, Bruchin, Eli, Ofra, Yakir, Hispin, Revava, Peduel, Kochav Ya'akov, Kfar Adumim, Netivot. What characterizes an Israela destination? 1. A warm receiving community: people who are ready to open their homes, and families who want to adopt you. 2.Reasonable living expenses: We assist each family in finding a home that meets their budget requirements.  3.Quality educational institutions for your children, matched to the requirements of the group making Aliyah. An area with a strong employment potential, with jobs available within a 45 minute drive away. 4.Transportation: Communities with a wide range of public transportation (buses, trains) available.    

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Who is the program for?

For families ranging from newly married couples to families with teenagers who wish to live in a community structure. Preference is given to families with children.

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Our Next Destinations - Summer 2024

Destinations for this summer - soon to be confirmed


for families from France

Or Akiva

for families from South America


for families from North America

Ofra (Benyamin)

for families from France/South or North America

Rehelim (Shomron)

for families from France/South or North America



Golan Vach CEO of Israela
Ilan Goldman Director of Aliyah from English Speaking Countries
Eli Benisho Education Field Coordinator
Mali Levius Community Absorption Coordinator
shalom vach CEO of ADG
Liat Vach Lecturer and Educational Consultant, Resident of Eli
Yael and Stephane Lugassy Aliyah coordinators from France
Sarah Kalfa Accounting and Finance
David Guttenmacher Project Manager
Shirley Salem Recruitment, South America
Shlomo Israel Aliyah Coordinator,Brazil
Chen Alon Project Manager
Shimon Edrai South America Desk Coordinator

Olim Stories

I said "thank you" more than any other year in my life

"I want to say thank you to God for allowing me to ascend in this way. In the year since I ascended, I have said "thank you" more than any other year in my life."

for me and my children." Paraguayan A.K.

"People have a mistake when they think that she is anything other than the best decision I made in my life, for me and my children."

from the beginning of the journey

"I started the aliyah process two years ago, to immigrate with Israel is to be embraced and wrapped, from the beginning of the journey to the end of the absorption process."

What Families say About the Pilot Trip

“The PIlot Trip was our key to the future. By exploring Israel , we saw our future taking shape before us. Choosing our living environment with confidence was made possible thanks to this hands-on immersion.”

What Families say About the Pilot Trip

"Coming back from this Pilot Trip was a revelation. We came back enchanted, convinced that this experience had removed our doubts. Meeting the communities, visualizing our future daily life reinforced our decision to make Aliyah with the ADG (Israela). "

What Families say About the Pilot Trip

“This trip was a bridge between two worlds for us. We returned to France filled with enthusiasm and certainty. Imagining our children in schools, discovering the neighborhoods, it was like a glimpse of our lives to come.”

What Families say About These Expert Sessions...

"The lectures were our guide before our departure. They clarified every aspect of life in Israel. Thanks to the experts, we found precise answers to our specific concerns, such as the equivalence of diplomas and the education system.”

What Families say About These Expert Sessions...

"Great sessions in the preparation process. Each session was like another essential step. They cleared up our doubts about shipping, taxes, health. Each answer was another stepping stone in our solid preparation."

What Families say About These Expert Sessions...

"The lectures were very beneficial before Aliyah. Every crucial topic was dissected, from the banking system to healthcare procedures. The answers to our questions strengthened our resolve and confidence. We knew what to expect, and that made all the difference ."

What Families say About These Expert Sessions...

“Finally, talks with relevant content. They were essential to understand the necessary budget, the administrative formalities, and above all to have clear answers to our questions, thus consolidating our confidence in our move to Israel.”


Friends all the way

Ministry of Immigration and Integration
The Jewish Agency
World Mizrachi
Ofek Israeli
Nefesh B'Nefesh
Shivat Zion

Want to make Aliyah? Contact us